Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What does HBOT do???

What does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy do?

1. HBOT is a scientific fact that, whereas we all live under atmospheric pressure (i.e. one atmosphere), gases dissolve increasingly into liquids as atmospheric pressure increases.

2. This can be seen each time you release bubbles by unscrewing a bottle of fizzy drink. As the pressure is reduced, more bubbles seem to appear in the liquid.

3. Although blood plasma is normally quite low in oxygen, on high-pressure days people usually feel more energetic because a little more oxygen has been dissolved in the blood plasma. Conversely, many people feel that their complaints are worse on low-pressure days.

4. If additional oxygen is urgently needed to restore torn tissue, increasing the dose may be paralleled to increasing the dose of vitamins, minerals or amino acids by food supplementation or by giving an artificially engineered 'normal' dose of insulin to a diabetic.

5. It is impossible absorb the extra oxygen by breathing it in at normal atmospheric pressure because an insufficient amount will be dissolved in the plasma at only one atmosphere. Thus, in order to improve cerebral blood flow, the brain injured individual needs to breathe oxygen while sitting or lying down comfortably in a pressurized chamber.

6. The ideal pressure for the compressed oxygen in the chamber, and thus the oxygen breathed, is 1.75. That is 3/4 of an atmosphere above the one atmosphere at which we live, or the equivalent of 24 feet of seawater, a relatively shallow depth.

7. As oxygen delivered in this way is breathed, the blood plasma becomes oxygen rich. It is able to carry the healing oxygen through the constricted capillary tubules to the torn capillary walls, which then will begin to heal.

8. As the capillaries heal, their torn walls close and plasma leakage into the surrounding brain tissue stops.

9. Tissue swelling is reduced even more efficiently because oxygen has a slightly constricting affect on the blood capillaries; As in brain swelling after an injury, even swelling as small as a human hair can hinder circulation or blood flow.

10. Thus, when the blood plasma is oxygen rich, there is less fluid to contribute to the swelling travelling through the torn capillaries as well as more oxygen to heal them.

11.The swelling gradually goes down and normal blood flow is slowly restored to the previously 'waterlogged' brain.

12. Normal blood supply restores essential nutrition and the washing away of waste products so that the brain's electrical potential for sending normal signals can be restored. Wherever the injury is in the brain, and whatever diversity of symptoms it produces, the same patterns of problems arise, and the same approach to healing is possible using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

Slower Nerve Traffic, More Creativity By Douglas Eby

Slower Nerve Traffic, More Creativity By Douglas Eby
Neuroscientist Rex Jung notes “Creativity is a complex concept; it’s not a single thing.”

That quote comes from a recent New York Times article, which comments that one of his studies “suggests that creativity prefers to take a slower, more meandering path than intelligence.”

“The brain appears to be an efficient superhighway that gets you from Point A to Point B” when it comes to intelligence, Dr. Jung explained.

“But in the regions of the brain related to creativity, there appears to be lots of little side roads with interesting detours, and meandering little byways.”

The article adds, “Although intelligence and skill are generally associated with the fast and efficient firing of neurons, subjects who tested high in creativity had thinner white matter and connecting axons that have the effect of slowing nerve traffic in the brain.

“This slowdown in the left frontal cortex, a region where emotional and cognitive abilities are integrated, Dr. Jung suggested, “might allow for the linkage of more disparate ideas, more novelty and more creativity.”

Neurologist Kenneth Heilman, author of the book Creativity and the Brain, said creativity not only involves coming up with something new, but also with shutting down the brain’s habitual response, or letting go of conventional solutions.

From Charting Creativity: Signposts of a Hazy Territory, By Patricia Cohen, The New York Times, May 7, 2010.

This all reminds me of studies on nervous system functioning of us highly sensitive people (HSP).

One article on the topic explains, “Sensory perception sensitivity (SPS), a personality trait characterized by sensitivity to internal and external stimuli, including social and emotional ones, is found in over one hundred other species…

“The sensitive type, always a minority, chooses to observe longer before acting, as if doing their exploring with their brains rather than their limbs…The sensitive’s strategy, sometimes called reactive or responsive, is better when danger is present, opportunities are similar and hard to choose between, or a clever approach is needed.”

From article Researchers Find Differences In How The Brains Of Some Individuals Process The World Around Them.

Elaine Aron, PhD is one of the primary experts on the trait, and author of a number of books including The Highly Sensitive Person.

She writes in an issue of her Comfort Zone newsletter that “HSPs are all creative by definition because we process things so thoroughly and notice so many subtleties and emotional meanings that we can easily put two unusual things together.”

A CNN article on her research [Ultra-sensitive? It’s in your brain, by Elizabeth Landau] reported that Dr. Aron’s group “has shown evidence in the brain that these people are more detail-oriented.

“Researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to look at the brains of 18 participants. They found that people with sensory processing sensitivity tended to have more brain activity in the high-order visual processing regions, and in the right cerebellum, when detecting minor details of photographs presented to them…

“But the study showed that highly sensitive people do not quickly take in these details; in fact, they spend more time looking at them.”

Friday, June 24, 2011

HBOT increases Stem Cells!

Hyperbaric Oxygenation Increases Patients own Stem Cells By Eight-Fold
... 2 hours HBOT at 2 ATA; doubles the patients own circulating stem cells
... 40-60 hours HBOT increases circulating stem cells by 8-fold (800%) !!
A scientific study completed at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine reports that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) are a safe and effective way to mobilize the patients own stem cells providing immediate benefit and further preparing the patient for future stem cell implantation related therapies.
In fact the population of CD34+ cells in the peripheral circulation of humans doubled in response to a single exposure to 2.0 atmospheres absolute (ATA) HBOT for 2 hours. Over a course of twenty treatments, circulating CD34+ cells increased eight-fold!
Stem cells, also called progenitor cells, are crucial to the repair of injured tissues and organs. Hyperbaric Oxygenation increases by eight-fold the number of circulating stem cells throughout the body. Healthy recovery of injured and diseased tissues is the ultimate goal and stem cells play an essential role.
In response to injury, stem cells are mobilized out of the bone marrow to the injured sites, where they differentiate into specialized cells that are important to the healing process. Stem cells from bone marrow are capable of providing specialized functions in many different organs and tissues throughout the body. This movement, or mobilization, of stem cells can be triggered by a variety of stimuli—including Hyperbaric Oxygenation.
While drugs are associated with a host of side effects, Hyperbaric Oxygenation treatments carry a significantly lower risk of such effects.
"This is the safest way clinically to increase stem cell circulation, far safer than any of the pharmaceutical options," said Stephen Thom, MD, Ph.D., Professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and lead author of the study.
"This study provides information on the fundamental mechanisms for hyperbaric oxygen therapy and offers a new therapeutic option for mobilizing stem cells."
"We reproduced the observations from humans in animals in order to identify the mechanism for the hyperbaric oxygen effect," added Thom. "We found that hyperbaric oxygen mobilizes stem/progenitor cells because it increases synthesis of a molecule called nitric oxide in the bone marrow. This synthesis is thought to trigger enzymes that mediate stem/progenitor cell release."
Hyperbaric Oxygenation not only causes the release of the patients circulating stem cells but greatly facilitates future endeavors using stem cell related therapies which is costly and not an automatic guarantee in every patient.
It is hoped that future study of hyperbaric oxygen's role in mobilizing stem cells will provide a wide array of treatments for combating injury and chronic progressive disease.
The completed study is scheduled for publication in the April 2006 edition of the American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology.

Submitted on August 19, 2005; Accepted on November 7, 2005
Stem cell mobilization by hyperbaric oxygenation
Stephen R Thom1, Veena M Bhopale2, Omaida C Velazquez3, Lee J Goldstein3, Lynne H Thom2*, and Donald G Buerk4 1 Emergency Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Institute for Environmental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA2 Emergency Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA3 Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA4 Physiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA We hypothesized that exposure to hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) would mobilize stem/progenitor cells from the bone marrow by a nitric oxide (.NO) dependent mechanism. The population of CD34+ cells in the peripheral circulation of humans doubled in response to a single exposure to 2.0 atmospheres absolute (ATA) O2 for 2 hours. Over a course of twenty treatments, circulating CD34+ cells increased eight-fold, although the over-all circulating white cell count was not significantly increased. The number of colony-forming cells (CFCs) increased from 16 ± 2 to 26 ± 3 CFCs/100,000 monocytes plated. Elevations in CFCs were entirely due to the CD34+ sub-population, but increased cell growth only occurred in samples obtained immediately post-treatment. A high proportion of progeny cells express receptors for vascular endothelial growth factor-2 and for stromal derived growth factor. In mice, HBO2 increased circulating stem cell factor by 50%, increased the number of circulating cells expressing stem cell antigen-1 and CD34 by 3.4-fold, and doubled the number of CFCs. Bone marrow .NO concentration increased by 1008 ± 255 nM in association with HBO2. Stem cell mobilization did not occur in knock out mice lacking genes for endothelial .NO synthase. Moreover, pre-treatment of wild type mice with a nitric oxide (.NO) synthase inhibitor prevented the HBO2-induced elevation in stem cell factor and circulating stem cells. We conclude that HBO2 mobilizes stem/progenitor cells by stimulating .NO synthesis.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for ASD, PDD, and other Autistic type disorders

The benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for ASD, PDD, and other Autistic type disorders

Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics

Call for a complete packet of information


1. Angioneogenesis from the addition of oxygen: (regrowth of new blood vessels)

2. Angioneogenesis from the removal of oxygen: (regrowth of new blood vessels after the treatments are completed, 40 hours of HBOT standard of care)

3. Increases in blood flow independent of new blood vessel formation.

4. Decreasing levels of inflammatory biochemicals:

5. Up-regulation of key antioxidant enzymes and decreasing oxidative stress:

6. Increased oxygenation to functioning mitochondria:

7. Increased production of new mitochondria from HBOT.

8. Bypassing functionally impaired hemoglobin molecules, the result of abnormal

porphyrin production, thereby allowing increased delivery of oxygen directly to cells:

9. Improvement in immune and autoimmune system disorders:

10. Decreases in the bacterial/yeast load found systemically and in the gut:

11. Decreases in the viral load found systemically and possibly decreases in a viral presence that may exist in the intestinal mucosa:

12. Increases in the production of stem cells in the bone marrow with transfer to

the CNS: Studies have shown that HBOT increases the production of stem cells in the bone marrow and that transfer of stem cells to the central nervous system is possible.

13. Direct production of stem cells by certain areas in the brain.

14. Increased production and utilization of serotonin:

15. The possibility that oxidation may help rid the body of petrochemicals.

16. The possibility that oxidation may help rid the body of mercury and heavy metals.

17. Increases patients own Stem Cells to heal the brain.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Asthma and HBOT Opinion By Dr. James M.D. U.K.

Oxygen is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and asthma has been successfully treated by oxygen, especially at increased atmospheric pressure. The Russians presented data on the successful treatment of asthma in the International Congress Moscow 1981. Over the last 19 years operating high dosage oxygen therapy in the community many patients with MS in our charity have also had asthma and have found a much-reduced requirement for inhalers. NONE of the patients have had chest radiographs but of course all have had gas trapping in the lung. (It is not possible to remove it all by exhalation) We do advise patients if they have severe colds to use a decongestant, but the inflammation is considerably helped by oxygen.

Wolfson Hyperbaric Medicine Unit
University of Dundee

K.K. Jain
Text Book of Hyperbaric Oxygen Medicine, Vol. 3

Efuni (1984) used HBOT in 92 patients with dust induced bronchitis. There was improvement in 88.9% of the patients as determined by tolerance to physical exercise and blood gas measurements. This is the only report from the USSR, and we find there are no studies in the Western Literature.

Printed with Permission

Monday, June 13, 2011

Body Movement and Problem solving

Body Movement Can Aid in Problem-Solving

By Rick Nauert PhD Senior News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on June 3, 2011

Body Movement As a Problem-Solver New research in cognitive psychology suggests that we should use our body, as well as our brain, when we attempt to solve problems.

“Being able to use your body in problem solving alters the way you solve the problems,” said University of Wisconsin psychologist Dr. Martha Alibali. “Body movements are one of the resources we bring to cognitive processes.”

Yet even when we are solving problems that have to do with motion and space, the inability to use the body may force us to come up with other strategies, and these may be more efficient.

The findings will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

The study by Alibali and colleagues involved two experiments. The first recruited 86 American undergraduates, half of whom were prevented from moving their hands using Velcro gloves that attached to a board. The others were prevented from moving their feet, using Velcro straps attached to another board. The latter thus experienced the strangeness of being restricted, but also had their hands free.

From the other side of an opaque screen, the experimenter asked questions about gears in relation to each other, such as “If five gears are arranged in a line, and you move the first gear clockwise, what will the final gear do?” The participants solved the problems aloud and were videotaped.

The videotapes were then analyzed for the number of hand gestures the participants used (hand rotations or “ticking” movements, indicating counting); verbal explanations indicating the subject was visualizing those physical movements; or the use of more abstract mathematical rules, without reference to perceptual-motor processes.

The results: The people who were allowed to gesture usually did so—and they also commonly used perceptual-motor strategies in solving the puzzles.

The people whose hands were restrained, as well as those who chose not to gesture (even when allowed), used abstract, mathematical strategies much more often.

In a second experiment, 111 British adults did the same thing silently and were videotaped, and described their strategies afterwards. The results were the same.

According to the experts, the findings suggest the need to revisit how we think of the relationship between the mind and body and their relationship to space.

“As human thinkers, we use visual-spatial metaphors all the time to solve problems and conceptualize things—even in domains that don’t seem physical on their face,” Alibali said. “Adding is ‘up,’ subtracting is ‘down.’ A good mood is ‘high,’ a bad one is ‘low.’ This is the metaphoric structuring of our conceptual landscape.”

Alibali, who is also an educational psychologist, said: “How we can harness the power of action and perception in learning?”

Or, conversely: What about the cognitive strategies of people who cannot use their bodies? “They may focus on different aspects of problems,” she said. And, it turns out, they may be onto something the rest of us could learn from

Saturday, June 11, 2011

HBOT and anti aging

Research study

Hyperbaric Oxygen Exposure Reduces Age-Related Decrease in Oxidative Capacity of the Tibialis Anterior Muscle in Mice

Takahiro Nishizaka,1 Fumiko Nagatomo,2 Hidemi Fujino,3 Tomoko Nomura,4 Tomohiko Sano,4 Kazuhiko Higuchi,4 Isao Takeda,5 and Akihiko Ishihara2

1Beauty Care Research Laboratories, Kao Corporation, Tokyo 131-8501, Japan Laboratory of Neurochemistry, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan Division of Rehabilitation Sciences, Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe 654-0142, Japan 4Biological Science Laboratories, Kao Corporation, Tochigi 321-3497, Japan Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Care Science, Himeji Dokkyo University, Himeji 670-8524, Japan Received 13 June 2009; Revised 10 October 2009; Accepted 29 October 2009

Academic Editor: Vasu Appanna


The effects of exposure to hyperbaric oxygen on the oxidative capacity of the skeletal muscles in mice at different ages were investigated. We exposed 5-, 34-, 55-, and 88-week-old mice to 36% oxygen at 950 mmHg for 6 hours per day for 2 weeks. The activities of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), which is a mitochondrial marker enzyme, of the tibialis anterior muscle in hyperbaric mice were compared with those in age-matched mice under normobaric conditions (21% oxygen at 760 mmHg). Furthermore, the SDH activities of type IIA and type IIB fibers in the muscle were determined using quantitative histochemical analysis. The SDH activity of the muscle in normobaric mice decreased with age. Similar results were observed in both type IIA and type IIB fibers in the muscle. The decrease in the SDH activity of the muscle was reduced in hyperbaric mice at 57 and 90 weeks. The decreased SDH activities of type IIA and type IIB fibers were reduced in hyperbaric mice at 90 weeks and at 57 and 90 weeks, respectively. We conclude that exposure to hyperbaric oxygen used in this study reduces the age-related decrease in the oxidative capacity of skeletal muscles.

1. Introduction

A reduction in skeletal muscle mass is one of the most striking features of the aging process. Previous studies [13] have indicated that this reduction is due to decreases in the number and volume of individual fibers in skeletal muscles. Mammalian skeletal muscles consist of different sizes and types of fibers, for example, slow-twitch type I and fast-twitch type II fibers [4, 5]. A reduction in the number and volume of type II fibers in skeletal muscles of rats can be observed in the initial stages of the aging process [6, 7]. These changes in type II fibers are considered to be due to a transition of fiber types from type II to type I, selective loss and atrophy of type II fibers, and/or degeneration in the neuromuscular junction, which are induced by age-related disuse of type II fibers. A decrease in the number and volume of both type I and type II fibers in skeletal muscles of rats can be observed in the late stages of the aging process [68]. These changes in type I and type II fibers are closely related to the loss and degeneration of spinal motoneurons innervating those fibers in skeletal muscles. Furthermore, a decrease in the oxidative enzyme activity of skeletal muscles in rats was observed with increasing age [911].

An elevation in atmospheric pressure accompanied by an increase in oxygen concentration enhances the partial pressure of oxygen and increases the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the plasma. An increase in both atmospheric pressure and oxygen concentration enhances oxidative enzyme activity in mitochondria and consequently increases the oxidative metabolism in cells and tissues [12]; thus, it is expected that exposure to hyperbaric oxygen facilitates the turnover of oxidative metabolism, particularly of pathways in the mitochondrial TCA cycle, thereby reducing the age-related decrease in the oxidative enzyme activity of muscle fibers. We determined that a pressure of 960 mmHg and an oxygen concentration of 36% are required for obtaining effective responses with regard to oxidative metabolism [12, 13]. This study examined the oxidative capacity of the tibialis anterior muscle in mice at different ages, which were exposed to 36% oxygen at 950 mmHg. Furthermore, the cross-sectional areas and oxidative enzyme activities of fibers, which were type-defined by ATPase activity, in the muscle of mice were determined using quantitative histochemical analysis.

2. Materials and Methods

All experimental procedures, including animal care, were conducted in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the Japanese Physiological Society. This study was also approved by the Institutional Animal Care Committee at Kyoto University.

2.1. Animal Care and Treatment

We used 5-, 34-, 55-, and 88-week-old female mice in this study. The mice (the hyperbaric group; in each age group) were exposed to hyperbaric conditions (950 mmHg) with a high oxygen concentration (36%), which were automatically maintained by a computer-assisted system, in a hyperbaric chamber for 6 hours (1100–1700) and were placed under normobaric conditions (21% oxygen at 760 mmHg) for 18 hours (1700–1100), while other mice (the normobaric group; in each age group) were placed in a hyperbaric chamber under normobaric conditions for 24 hours. The hyperbaric chamber was 90 cm in length and 80 cm in diameter; thus, it could simultaneously house a number of rats (up to 20 cages).

All mice were individually housed in same-sized cages in a room maintained under controlled 12-hour light/dark cycles (lights switched off from 2000 to 0800) at a temperature of °C with a relative humidity of 45%–65%. Food and water were provided ad libitum to all mice.

2.2. Tissue Procedures

After 2 weeks of exposure to hyperbaric oxygen, the mice in the normobaric and hyperbaric groups were anesthetized by an intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital (50 mg/kg body weight). The tibialis anterior muscles from both hind limbs were removed and cleaned of excess fat and connective tissue. Thereafter, the mice were sacrificed by an overdose of sodium pentobarbital.

The tibialis anterior muscles of the right side were quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen for measurement of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity. The SDH activity was determined according to the method of Cooperstein et al. [14]. Briefly, the muscles were homogenized using a glass tissue homogenizer with 5 volumes of ice-cold 0.3 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Sodium succinate was added to yield a final concentration of 17 mM. The final concentrations of the components of the reaction mixture were as follows: sodium succinate 17 M, sodium cyanide 1 mM, aluminum chloride 0.4 mM, and calcium chloride 0.4 mM. This reaction mixture was transferred to the spectrophotometer and the reduction of cytochrome was followed by observing the increase in extinction at 550 nm. The SDH activity was calculated from the ferricytochrome concentration and protein content.

The tibialis anterior muscles of the left side were pinned on a cork at their in vivo length and quickly frozen in isopentane cooled with liquid nitrogen. The mid-portion of the muscle was mounted on a specimen chuck using a Tissue Tek OCT Compound (Sakura Finetechnical, Tokyo, Japan). Serial transverse sections (10-m thickness) of the muscle on the chuck were cut in a cryostat maintained at −20°C. The serial sections were brought to room temperature, air-dried for 30 minutes, and incubated for ATPase activity following acid preincubation and for SDH activity [15, 16].

The ATPase activity was determined by the following procedures: (1) preincubation for 5 minutes at room temperature in 50 mM sodium acetate and 30 mM sodium barbital in distilled water, adjusted to pH 4.5 with HCl; (2) washing in 5 changes of distilled water; (3) incubation for 45 minutes at 37°C in 2.8 mM ATP, 50 mM CaCl2, and 75 mM NaCl in distilled water, adjusted to pH 9.4 with NaOH; (4) washing in 5 changes of distilled water; (5) immersion for 3 minutes in 1% CaCl2; (6) washing in 5 changes of distilled water; (7) immersion for 3 minutes in 2% CoCl2; (8) washing in 5 changes of distilled water; (9) immersion for 1 minutes in 1% (NH4)2S; (10) washing in 5 changes of distilled water; (11) dehydration in a graded series of ethanol, passed through xylene, and then cover slipped (Figure 1). Classification into two fiber types was based on staining intensities for ATPase activity: type IIA (positive intensity) and type IIB (negative intensity) [17].


Figure 1: Serial transverse sections of the tibialis anterior muscles in the normobaric ((a) and (b)) and hyperbaric ((c) and (d)) mice at 90 weeks. (a) and (c), stained for ATPase activity following preincubation at pH 4.5; (b) and (d), stained for succinate dehydrogenase activity. a: type IIA; b: type IIB. Scale bar  = 50 m.

The SDH activity was determined by incubation in a medium containing 0.9 mM 1-methoxyphenazine methylsulfate, 1.5 mM nitroblue tetrazolium, 5.6 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt, and 48 mM succinate disodium salt (pH 7.6) in 100 mM phosphate buffer. The incubation time was 10 minutes; the changes in staining intensity in response to incubation reached a plateau after 10 minutes. The reaction was stopped by multiple washings with distilled water, dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol, passed through xylene, and cover slipped (Figure 1).

The cross-sectional areas and SDH activities from approximately 300 fibers, which were type-defined by ATPase activity, in the central region of the muscle section were measured by tracing the outline of a fiber and stored in a computer-assisted image processing system (Neuroimaging System, Kyoto, Japan) [18, 19]. The images were digitized as gray-level pictures. Each pixel was quantified as one of 256 gray levels that were then automatically converted to optical density (OD). A gray level of zero was equivalent to 100% transmission of light and that of 255 was equivalent of 0% transmission of light. The mean OD value of all pixels within a fiber was determined using a calibration tablet that had 21 gradient density steps and corresponding diffused density values.

2.3. Statistical Analyses

The data were expressed as mean and standard deviation. One-way analysis of variance was used to evaluate the age-related changes. When the differences were found to be significant, further comparisons were made by performing post hoc tests. The differences between the normobaric and age-matched hyperbaric groups were determined by using the -test. A probability level of 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.

3. Results

3.1. Body Weight

An age-related increase in body weight was observed in the normobaric groups; the body weights at 36 and 57 weeks were greater than that at 7 weeks, and the body weight at 90 weeks was the greatest among the groups (Figure 2(a)). These results were similar in the hyperbaric groups.


Figure 2: Body weights (a) and tibialis anterior muscle weights (b) of the normobaric and hyperbaric groups at different ages. Data are represented as the mean and standard deviation determined from six animals. The mice in the hyperbaric group were exposed to 36% oxygen at 950 mmHg for 6 hours per day for 2 weeks. compared with the corresponding group at 7 weeks; compared with the corresponding groups at 7, 36, and 57 weeks; compared with the corresponding group at 57 weeks.

There were no differences in body weight between the normobaric and age-matched hyperbaric groups, irrespective of the age.

3.2. Tibialis Anterior Muscle Weight

The muscle weights of the normobaric groups at 36 and 57 weeks were greater than that at 7 weeks (Figure 2(b)). These results were similar in the hyperbaric groups. The muscle weight of the normobaric group at 90 weeks was lower than that at 57 weeks.

There were no differences in muscle weight between the normobaric and age-matched hyperbaric groups, irrespective of the age.

3.3. SDH Activity of the Tibialis Anterior Muscle

An age-related decrease in SDH activity was observed in the normobaric groups; the SDH activities of the muscle at 57 and 90 weeks were lower than that at 36 weeks and those at 7 and 36 weeks, respectively (Figure 3). There were no differences in SDH activity of the muscle among the hyperbaric groups, irrespective of the age.


Figure 3: Succinate dehydrogenase activities of the tibialis anterior muscles of the normobaric and hyperbaric groups at different ages. Data are represented as the mean and standard deviation determined from six animals. The mice in the hyperbaric group were exposed to 36% oxygen at 950 mmHg for 6 hours per day for 2 weeks. SDH: succinate dehydrogenase. compared with the corresponding group at 36 weeks; compared with the corresponding groups at 7 and 36 weeks; compared with the age-matched normobaric group.

The SDH activity of the muscle in the hyperbaric group at 57 and 90 weeks was greater than that in the age-matched normobaric group.

3.4. Fiber Cross-Sectional Area in the Tibialis Anterior Muscle

There were no differences in cross-sectional area of type IIA fibers among the normobaric groups, irrespective of the age (Figure 4(a)). These results were similar in the hyperbaric groups.


Figure 4: Cross-sectional areas of type IIA (a) and type IIB (b) fibers in the tibialis anterior muscles of the normobaric and hyperbaric groups at different ages. Data are represented as the mean and standard deviation determined from six animals. The mice in the hyperbaric group were exposed to 36% oxygen at 950 mmHg for 6 hours per day for 2 weeks. CSA: cross-sectional area. compared with the corresponding groups at 7 and 90 weeks.

There were no differences in cross-sectional area of type IIA fibers between the normobaric and age-matched hyperbaric groups, irrespective of the age.

The cross-sectional areas of type IIB fibers in the normobaric groups at 36 and 57 weeks were greater than those at 7 and 90 weeks (Figure 4(b)). These results were similar in the hyperbaric groups.

There were no differences in cross-sectional area of type IIB fibers between the normobaric and age-matched hyperbaric groups, irrespective of the age.

3.5. Fiber SDH Activity in the Tibialis Anterior Muscle

The SDH activity of type IIA fibers in the normobaric group at 57 weeks was lower than that at 7 weeks (Figure 5(a)). The SDH activity of type IIA fibers in the normobaric group at 90 weeks was lower than those at 7 and 36 weeks. The SDH activity of type IIA fibers in the hyperbaric group at 90 weeks was lower than that at 7 weeks.


Figure 5: Succinate dehydrogenase activities of type IIA (a) and type IIB (b) fibers in the tibialis anterior muscles of the normobaric and hyperbaric groups at different ages. Data are represented as the mean and standard deviation determined from six animals. The mice in the hyperbaric group were exposed to 36% oxygen at 950 mmHg for 6 hours per day for 2 weeks. SDH: succinate dehydrogenase; OD: optical density. compared with the corresponding group at 7 weeks; compared with the corresponding groups at 7 and 36 weeks; compared with the age-matched normobaric group.

The SDH activity of type IIA fibers in the hyperbaric group at 90 weeks was greater than that in the age-matched normobaric group.

The SDH activities of type IIB fibers in the normobaric groups at 57 and 90 weeks were lower than that at 7 weeks (Figure 5(b)). The SDH activity of type IIB fibers in the hyperbaric group at 90 weeks was lower than that at 7 weeks.

The SDH activity of type IIB fibers in the hyperbaric group at 57 and 90 weeks was greater than that of the age-matched hyperbaric group.

4. Discussion

An elevation in atmospheric pressure accompanied by high oxygen concentration enhances the partial pressure of oxygen and increases the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the plasma [20, 21]. An increase in both atmospheric pressure and oxygen concentration enhances the mitochondrial oxidative enzyme activity and consequently increases oxidative metabolism in cells and tissues. Furthermore, an increase in atmospheric pressure and oxygen concentration increases carbon dioxide concentration, which in turn facilitates the release of oxygen from hemoglobin and causes the dilation of blood vessels. We designed a hyperbaric chamber for performing the animal experiments [12]; the chamber consisted of an oxygen tank containing an oxygen concentrator and an air compressor, which automatically maintains the elevated atmospheric pressure and oxygen concentration using a computer-assisted system. We determined the optimal atmospheric pressure (950 mmHg) and oxygen concentration (36%) required for obtaining effective responses with regard to oxidative capacity in the neuromuscular system [12].

Our previous study [13] demonstrated that young rats exposed to 36% oxygen at 950 mmHg exhibited greater voluntary running activities than those maintained under normobaric conditions. We also found that oxidative enzyme activities of fibers in the soleus and plantaris muscles and of spinal motoneurons innervating these muscles increased following exposure to hyperbaric oxygen [13]. These findings suggest that the adaptation of neuromuscular units to hyperbaric oxygen enhances the oxidative capacity in muscle fibers and motoneurons, which promotes the function of the neuromuscular units. Furthermore, our previous studies [22, 23] revealed that exposure to 36% oxygen at 950 mmHg inhibited the growth-related increase in blood glucose levels of type 2 diabetic rats and in blood pressure levels of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Exposure to hyperbaric oxygen inhibited both the growth-related transition of fiber types from high to low oxidative and the decrease in oxidative enzyme activity of fibers in the soleus and plantaris muscles of type 2 diabetic rats [24, 25]. It is suggest that exposure to hyperbaric oxygen reduces the age-related decrease in the oxidative capacity of skeletal muscles, because exposure to hyperbaric oxygen facilitates the turnover of oxidative metabolism, particularly of pathways in the mitochondrial TCA cycle.

Exercise is believed to be effective in maintaining and improving oxidative metabolism in cells and tissues. Our previous study [26] observed that exercise is effective for the prevention of a decrease in the oxidative enzyme activity of type I and type II fibers in the soleus muscles of rats, which was induced by unloading. Furthermore, our previous study [27] found that running exercises served to inhibit the growth-related transition of fiber types from high to low oxidative in the soleus muscle of rats with type 2 diabetes, although this inhibition was observed only in rats that ran more than 7 km per day.

Atrophy, loss, and decreased oxidative enzyme activity of fibers in skeletal muscles have been observed with increasing age [6, 7]. Muscle atrophy in old rats is associated with a decrease in activity levels of certain enzymes involved in oxidative metabolism [10]. These changes in skeletal muscles of rats in the initial stages of aging (60–65 weeks) are considered to be due to the age-related disuse of skeletal muscles, which results in the lowering of oxidative capacity of individual fibers. A previous study [9] observed that 96-week-old rats retained the capacity to increase the oxidative enzyme activity and mitochondrial density of skeletal muscles in response to endurance exercises. Furthermore, our previous study [28] observed that voluntary running exercises prevented atrophy of type II fibers as well as the decrease in oxidative enzyme activity of type I and type II fibers in rats in the initial stages of aging (65 weeks). Therefore, it is expected that a reduction in the decrease of oxidative metabolism in skeletal muscles, which was induced by exposure to hyperbaric oxygen as well as by aerobic exercise, should treat fiber atrophy and the decrease in oxidative capacity of skeletal muscles during the initial stages of the aging process.

We classified fibers in the tibialis anterior muscles of mice into two types on the basis of staining intensities for the ATPase activity: type IIA and type IIB. In normobaric mice, type IIA fibers were smaller than type IIB fibers, irrespective of the age (Figure 4). Type IIA fibers are more effective in supplying oxygen and nutrients for oxidative metabolism from capillaries, which are located close to the membrane, because of their small sizes. These indicate that type IIA fibers can work at a relatively low intensity and have more prolonged activities than do type IIB fibers. In this study, a reduction in cross-sectional area of type IIB fibers (Figure 4(b)), but not type IIA fibers (Figure 4(a)), was observed at 90 weeks. Low-intensity and prolonged activities, which are performed presumably using type IIA fibers, continue during increasing age, while high-intensity and short activities, which are performed presumably using type IIB fibers, decrease with increasing age. These indicate that type IIB fibers become less active with increasing age and, therefore, facilitate disuse-induced atrophy as observed in Figure 4(b). In this study, there were no differences in cross-sectional area of type IIA or type IIB fibers between the normobaric and age-related hyperbaric mice (Figure 4). Therefore, exposure to hyperbaric oxygen had no effect on fiber cross-sectional area in the muscle. This view does not match our expectations and is inconsistent with the findings observed in relation to exercise [28].

Exposure to hyperbaric oxygen reduced the age-related decrease in the oxidative enzyme activity of the tibialis anterior muscle (Figure 3). Similarly, exposure to hyperbaric oxygen reduced the oxidative enzyme activity of type IIB fibers in the muscle at 57 weeks (initial stage of aging) and those of type IIA and type IIB fibers at 90 weeks (middle to late stages of aging) (Figure 5). The changes in the oxidative enzyme activity of the tibialis anterior muscle by exposure to hyperbaric oxygen corresponded well with that of muscle fibers. We conclude that exposure to hyperbaric oxygen used in this study reduced the age-related decrease in the oxidative capacity of skeletal muscles because of the increased oxidative metabolism in cells and tissues.


This study was supported by grants from the Kao Corporation, Tokyo, Japan

Monday, June 6, 2011

HBOT treatment for patients with Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, and Narcotic Addiction in Post-Intoxication & Abstinence Period

Hyperbaric Oxygenation in the Treatment of Patients with
Drug Addiction, Narcotic Addiction and Alcoholism
in the Post-Intoxication and Abstinence Periods

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) was used in the treatment of 340 patients with Narcotic Addiction (narcomania), Drug Addiction (toxicomania), and alcoholism in the post-intoxication and abstinence periods; 223 of these were alcoholics, 68 toxicomaniacs, and 49 opium narcomaniacs. A group of 185 patients administered drug therapy alone. Exposure to hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments had a advantageous effect on the patient's status during sessions and persisted for some time after them. Patients with different premorbid symptoms and initial status experienced tranquilizing or bioenergizing effects of hyperbaric oxygen. . A comparative clinical and psychopathological examination of patients in both groups showed faster reduction of psychoneurological and somato-vegetative disorders which brings about roughly a twofold decrease of treatment duration and inhibiting the development of complications. The parameters of central hemodynamics normalized and myocardial status improved, which helped prevent the development of cardiovascular decompensation. Such a favorable time course of events appears to be due to the antihypoxic detoxifying and bioenergetic effects of HBOT Treatments.

Anesteziol Reanimatol. 1995 May-Jun;(3):34-9.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The reason for capillary growth and how it is connected higher levels of oxygen saturation

Capillary = small veins and mobilization of Stem Cells!

The new capillary Development does not occur during the oxygen saturations while doing HBOT. IT begins after the HBOT session. The lack of oxygen after return to normal pressure causes angeiogenesis or capillary development.

To explain it better, rats kept at 0.5 ATM which is equal to over 17,000 feet altitude for a few weeks were shown to have a 50% higher capillary count than those at sea level atmospheric pressure. (Ref. 1) As Dr. Philip James explained it, “This enormously increases the surface area for oxygen diffusion. However, below a critical level of oxygenation ATP, production fails and eventually no capillary angiogenesis or even metabolism is possible. As oxygen levels fall macrophages, neutrophils and other cells activate a variety of their genes, including the encoding vascular endothelial growth factor. (VEGF)” (Ref. 2) “) Mild hypoxia is often referred to as a ‘stimulus’ to capillary neogenisis. It is difficult to see how the absence of something can be a stimulus! It is more logical to state that adequate oxygen levels inhibit angiogenesis and the reason is obvious. If tissue oxygen levels are adequate then there is no need for additional blood flow and of course oxygen is the primary regulator of flow by controlling vasomotor tone.” (Ref. 3)

This should explain the importance of spending as much time, numerous sessions, in the chamber at higher level of oxygen saturation. When the patient returns to sea level pressure, AFTER YOU ARE DONE WITH TREATMENTS! The oxygen level drops and stimulates angiogenesis or capillary growth. It should be logical then that doing treatments at over 1100 mmHg (hard chamber) would cause more development when returning to sea level 159.6 mmHg than a soft chamber session 207.48 mmHg. When the neurons recognize that the high level of oxygen supply has disappeared then the brain begins to develop more capillaries to compensate for the shortage.

Dr Phillip James UK

The most significant improvements are often seen when you are done with treatments. Please let me know how you are feeling in the next two weeks! It has been my greatest pleasure to treat you, May God bless you with perfect health!