Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Parents with Purpose provides unique therapy options for children with disabilities!
 (Previously it had been posted as --- there is no "a").

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Definition: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
By Mayo Clinic staff
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a well-established treatment for decompression sickness, a hazard of scuba diving. Other conditions treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy include serious infections, bubbles of air in your blood vessels, and wounds that won't heal as a result of diabetes or radiation injury. In a hyperbaric oxygen therapy room, the air pressure is raised up to three times higher than normal air pressure. Under these conditions, your lungs can gather up to three times more oxygen than would be possible breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure.  
Your blood carries this oxygen throughout your body, stimulating the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing.

Oxygen, Genes, Inflammation and the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

Philip B James, MB ChB DIH PhD FFOM
Professor of Hyperbaric Medicine, Wolfson Hyperbaric Medicine Unit, University of Dundee.
A new centre will soon begin operating on the Isle of Mull, twenty three years after the first MS Therapy Centre began operations in an industrial unit in Peddie Street Dundee and it is time to take stock. The number of hyperbaric treatment sessions completed in MS National Therapy Centres will soon reach two million and we have full recognition of our centres by the Department of Health for the treatment of neurological conditions in the community, for example, for those with multiple sclerosis and cerebral pa1sy. Note that the term cerebral palsy is not exclusive to children; adults with a stroke have cerebral palsy. In England and Wales, but thankfully not in Scotland or Ireland, the centres come under the Private and Voluntary Healthcare Regulations. Note that hyperbaric treatment is recognized for use in the NHS by the Department of Health, under Specialist Services Definition Set No. 28, but most doctors are not aware of this and this will continue until hyperbaric medicine is taught in our medical schools.
Remember, the only way to access hyperbaric treatment is to ask for it. Although, of course, oxygen is widely prescribed, it is only at a low dosage and as a supplement, not as a treatment. It is understandable that doctors find it hard to accept that breathing a high level of oxygen for just one hour a week in a hyperbaric chamber can improve the course of a serious disease like multiple sclerosis, but this is set to change, not least because the concept of regular treatment is now firmly established for drugs. For example, the object of prescribing the beta interferons, which are injected either every other day, or once a week, is to reduce the rate of progression and note this is for life at £10,000 per year. Attitudes to oxygen in medicine are set to change because of the latest research which is at the cutting edge of science.
Oxygen in Control
Everyone knows that oxygen is needed to obtain energy from glucose, but the latest research has now shown that oxygen is also involved indirectly regulating our genes. 1 It controls the level of a family of proteins, known by the strange name Hypoxia-inducible Factor proteins, (HIF) which, translated, stands for Lack of Oxygen Inducible Factor. It is a paradox that the level of these proteins rises as oxygen levels fall. When oxygen levels are normal these HIF proteins, which are produced by every cell in the body, are actually destroyed by another protein, but the rate of this destruction is reduced as oxygen levels fall. The HIP proteins regulate the expression of many genes and over 36 have already been identified, including 12 involved in glucose metabolism. Others control the growth of new blood vessels. If the oxygen supply to a tissue reduces, the genes activate a factor to grow new capillaries. Oxygen is therefore the only agent which can act to correct a deficiency in its own level.
Oxygen also controls the behaviour of white blood cells in inflammation and this means that giving more oxygen is an anti inflammatory treatment. This astonishing information has been published in the most eminent scientific journals, but has not been publicized; oxygen is simply not of sufficient interest to warrant headlines and, as it cannot be patented, it will never be promoted. The research provides indisputable support for using high levels of oxygen as a continuing treatment for multiple sclerosis patients and is an immense endorsement of the tireless work of everyone involved in the MS Therapy Centres in the UK and Ireland over the last 23 years. To highlight the importance of these findings to patients with nervous system problems, especially those with multiple sclerosis, it must be put in context.
It has been known for some time that oxygen is involved in controlling blood flow because the effects on the diameter of blood vessels can actually be seen by looking into the eye. When more oxygen is breathed, the diameter of most blood vessels reduces and, conversely, when less oxygen is breathed, for example, by going to altitude, blood vessels enlarge, which increases blood flow. How oxygen achieves this has, until recently, remained a mystery but it is now known that oxygen controls the size of b1ood vesse1s by acting in concert with another gas, nitric oxide (NO) actually produced in the lining of blood vessels. Nitric oxide acts to increase blood vessel diameter by relaxing the muscle in the wall, but when oxygen levels are high, NO binds to oxyhaemoglobin thus neutralizing its effect. 2 Haemoglobin is, of course, the protein iron pigment which by binding oxygen is responsible for the redness of blood. Everyone knows that the brain and to a lesser extent the spinal cord require a large blood supply to meet their demand for oxygen, but many do not know that they contain some areas where the blood supply is relatively poor and these are the areas where the damage typical of multiple sclerosis is found.3
It comes as a surprise to many people that blood itself is toxic and must be kept within blood vessels, especially in the nervous system, so that the sensitive cells can be protected from many substances easily tolerated by other organs of the body. Five methods of brain imaging have confirmed beyond question that the disease causing multiple sclerosis or indeed single areas of sclerosis, mono sclerosis 4(both MS) is the result of internal damage to blood vessels 5 which means that the barrier protecting the brain, known as the blood-brain barrier fails.6 The leakage caused precedes the development of symptoms 7 and the effects can often be seen in the eye, as they may also affect the blood vessels of the retina where there is no myelin. 8 As there is an excellent blood supply to the retina and no myelin is present, little damage is caused.
Blood vessels, Inflammation and Current Theories in Multiple Sclerosis
The blood vessel changes in MS were first described by Rindfleisch in Zurich over a hundred and forty years ago 9 but, despite this, they are rarely mentioned in current textbooks and it is still fashionable to invoke a form of self destruction - auto immunity - to account for the disease. It is often suggested that this is in some way linked to a virus, but this has never actually been explained. Despite this and the billions spent on the research, much of it supported by the drug companies, there is actually no evidence that the activity of the immune system is actually causing harm. Studies of stroke patients have shown that they have just the same immune changes, even at the same levels, as MS patients. 10 As stroke patients tend to improve, this indicates that the immune changes are actually involved in recovery, that is repairing the damage; clearly a very necessary activity. The theory of auto immunity came from research into allergy before the Second World War and allergy involves inflammation. Inflammation is usually associated with infection, but MS is certainly not infectious and no virus has ever been found, despite some patients even being subjected to brain biopsy during attacks. However, in view of the proven loss of the protection afforded by the blood-brain barrier in the damaged areas of MS, it should be expected that blood-borne viruses will cause attacks in patients with established disease. Every MS patient should be told that relapses can be provoked simply by an excessively hot bath, because heat enlarges blood vessels, including those in the brain, causing blood leakage. 11 If this leakage goes unchecked then eventually scars, which are the lowest common denominator of healing in any tissue, begin to develop. As scars represent healing, looking for a cure in MS is looking for a cure for healing.
The Barrier Protecting the Brain -
It may come as a surprise to many to learn that blood - so necessary for life - is toxic. The substances carried in our blood are changing all the time. For example, after a meal the amount of carbohydrate, protein and fat rises. The brain needs to have stable conditions to work properly and the contents of the fluid which surrounds the brain are very tightly controlled. The blood-brain barrier regulates the passage of substances into the brain, so we can think clearly all the time, although it is common to feel sleepy after a large meal! When leakage from damaged blood vessels occurs in an area of the brain or spinal cord containing myelinated nerve fibres there may be damage, either to individual sheaths, or to the parent cell which forms the sheaths, the oligodendrocyte. Note that myelin sheaths do not insulate nerve fibres; they increase the speed at which they transmit nerve impulses - often several hundred times. A single oligodendrocyte may form over 30 myelin segments and so loss of these cells results in significant loss of myelin. In a typical area in MS there is only relative preservation of the nerve fibres and in the spinal cord about 20% of the fibres may be lost in affected areas.12 Neurons may also be destroyed and it these two factors, rather than the loss of myelin, that are responsible for disability.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging- (M.R.I.) has shown that silent areas characteristic of those found in patients with multiple sclerosis are very common affecting at least 1 in 4 apparently normal people 13 and this is just a snapshot in time. It is likely that we all have small areas of damage from time to time, but without any symptoms and these areas heal naturally without any treatment, as long as there is sufficient oxygen available to the tissues. This natural healing has been shown in patients already labelled as MS who have been followed by M.R.I. over a six month period. The researchers injected a dye which transfers into the brain when the blood-brain barrier leaks. It was shown that new areas may form when other areas disappear. It therefore makes sense to help this healing naturally - by giving more oxygen on a regular basis and this is the reasoning behind the use of the interferons, which try to mimic the natural interferons produced by the body. It is likely that those people who develop symptoms have damage in certain critical areas where recovery is restricted by a poor blood supply. Recovery from nervous system damage, that is remission in MS, is now known to include new capillary formation and also stem cells from the bone marrow, which can form new nerves cells: bone marrow can make brain. 14 Fibres and myelin sheaths may also regrow but, of course, all of this requires oxygen.
Multiple Sclerosis, Inflammation and Oxygen
Although most attention has been given to the scarring process, it is universally accepted that the hallmark of MS is inflammation and it is associated with the activation of white blood cells with disruption of the blood-brain barrier. 'The behaviour of white blood cells has been a target for drugs designed to stop them sticking and migrating into the tissues. Unfortunately this approach has proved to be a poisoned chalice. Tysabri, produced by Biogen, which reduces white blood cell stickiness has just been withdrawn. 15 The drug had been fast tracked by the FDA and allowed to be marketed after one year instead of two, but now two patients have, predictably, developed fulminating infections of the brain. Ironically, oxygen actually controls white blood cell stickiness, again confirming the importance of hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Human studies have shown that inflammation may result in a profound lack of oxygen 16 because of the invasion of tissue by white blood cells when the water content of the tissue is increasing; simply, it is becoming swollen. The latest research has shown that as oxygen levels fall, the HIP proteins control inflammation by activating the genes which increase the permeability of blood vessels, white blood cell stickiness and their migration into the tissues, This is the normal response of the body to infection, but,
unfortunately, is inappropriately activated when there is lack of oxygen from any cause even an ascent to altitude! It is reasonable to question if lack of oxygen, that is hypoxia, has been found in MS patients. It has; a development of M.R.I. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, has detected presence of lactic acid in acutely inflamed areas in MS patients. 17 Lactic acid, which is responsible fur the burning sensation in muscles on exercise, indicates lack of oxygen.
Hyperbaric Medicine: Oxygen as a Treatment
Lack of oxygen in a tissue can only be corrected by delivering more oxygen to the affected tissue. Unfortunately we cannot get more oxygen by breathing faster and so we need to breathe a higher concentration and this may need an increase in pressure; that is hyperbaric conditions. It is possible, however, that if pure (100%) oxygen was given as an emergency treatment for acute attacks it may be a successful treatment at normal atmospheric pressure. This given urgently, may prevent the tissue destruction which eventually leads to scar formation. In patients with established sclerosis, serial studies over several months using M.R.I. have shown that the blood vessel damage may become chronic and regular oxygen treatment by limiting inflammation may reduce the progression of the disease. The evidence from the MS National Therapy Centres, which have now been operating in the UK for 23 years, 18 based on Class 1 evidence from an excellent controlled trial 19 fully supports this contention. Those doctors who say there is no scientific evidence supporting the use of oxygen treatment for patients with multiple sclerosis need to be told the facts and just how important hyperbaric oxygen treatment is to the continued well being of multiple sclerosis treatment. Most of all we need to make every MS patient aware of our superb centres - we need the oxygen of publicity!
1. Nathan C Oxygen and the inflammatory cell. Nature 2003;422:675-676.
2. Stamler JS, Jia L, Eu JP, McMahon TJ, Demchenko IT, Bonaventura J, Gemert K, Piantooosi CA. Biood flow regulation by S-nitrosohemoglobin in the physiological oxygen gradient. Science 1997;276:2034-2037. .
3. Brownell B, Hughes JT. The distribution of plaques in the cerebrum in multiple sclerosis. J Neural Neurosurg Psychiatry 1962;25:315-320.
4. James PB. MRI mono sclerosis and multiple sclerosis. Lancet 2001 ;357:2052-53.
5. James PB. Multiple sclerosis or blood-brain barrier disease. Lancet 1989:i:46.
6. Compston A. Limiting and repairing the damage in multiple sclerosis. J Neural Neurasurg Psychiatry 1991 ;54:945-948.
7. Kermode AG, Thompson AJ, Tofts P, et al. Breakdo\VI1 of the blood-brain barrier precedes symptoms and other MR.I signs of new lesions in multiple sclerosis. Brain 1990;115:1477-89.
8. McDonald 1. The pathogenesis of optic neuritis. In; Hess RL, Plant M eds. Optic Neuritis. 1985.
9. Rindfleisch E. Histologisches detail zu der grauen degeneration von gehim und ruckenmark.
Arch Pathol Anat Physiol KlinMed 1863;26:474-483.
10. Wang WZ, Olsson T, Kostulas V, et al. Myelin antigen reactive T cells in cerebrovascular diseases. ClinExp ImmunoI1992;88:157-162.
11. Berger JR, Sheremata W A Persistent neurological deficit precipitated by hot bath test in multiple sclerosis. J AMA-r9K3; 249-:f75T=-5-3.
12. Putnam TJ, Alexander L. Loss of axis-cylinders in sclerotic plaques and similar lesions. Arch Neural Psychiatry 1947;57:661-672.
13. RinckPA, Svihus R, De Francisco P. J\1R imaging of the central nervous system in divers. J Mag Res Imaging 1991;1 :293-299.
14. Cogle CR,Yachnis AT, Laywell ED, Zander DS, et al. Bone marrow transdifferentiation in brain after transplantation. Lancet 2004;363:1432-1437.
15. Biotech companies pull MS drug Tysabri off market. Financial Times, Tuesday March 1st 2005.
16. Abbot NC, Beck JS, Camochan FMT, et al. Effect of hyperoxia at 1 and 2 ATA on hypoxia and hypercapnia in human skin during experimental inflammation. J Appl Physio11994;77:767773.
17. Miller DH, Austin SJ, Connelly A, et al. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of an acute and chronic lesion in multiple sclerosis. Lancet 1991;1: 58-59.
18. Perrins DID, James PB. The treatment of multiple sclerosis with prolonged courses of hyperbaric oxygenation. Proceedings of the 1st European Consensus Conference on Hyperbaric Medicine, Lille 1998; 245-263. .
19. Fischer BH, Marks M, Reich T. Hyperbaric-oxygen treatment of multiple sclerosis: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. N Engl J Med 1983;308:181-186.

News Story- 24 yr old Aimee Copeland's battle with Flesh-eating bacteria, HBOT helping!

Aimee Copeland shows improvement in palms after time in hyperbaric chamber, father says

(CBS/AP) Aimee Copeland looked at her hands ravaged by a flesh-eating bacterial infection and asked her father about the damage without tears, Andy Copeland said Wednesday.
"Her fingers are basically mummified. The flesh is dead," Andy said in a phone interview from Doctors Hospital in Augusta more than two weeks after a zip-lining accident left a gash in his daughter's leg that developed into the infection, necrotizing fasciitis.
What Aimee Copeland still doesn't know is that doctors plan to amputate her all of her fingers, just as they had to remove most of her left leg in order to save her life.
Copeland's father said she held one of her hands close to her face Wednesday and asked family members about it. He said they told her "your hands have been damaged...and we're trying to bring back as much of the life into the hands as possible."
"She was well accepting," Andy said. "No tears or anything."
The 24-year-old student from an Atlanta suburb remains in critical condition as she battles the infection. Doctors initially feared they might have to remove her remaining foot and both hands. But her father said she now faces losing only her fingers after two days of treatment using a hyperbaric chamber, in which patients breathe pure oxygen to boost white blood cells and accelerate healing. Flesh on her palms that had been purple was turning pink again, he said.
Andy Copeland said she was still unaware of plans to amputate her fingers, an emotional disclosure that will likely require a counselor's help.
"We don't know if she's aware of her (amputated) leg yet," he said. "We're in a don't ask, don't tell policy."
The flesh-eating bacteria, Aeromonas hydrophila, emit toxins that cut off blood flow to parts of the body, destryoing muscle, fat and skin tissue. The bacteria is found in warm and brackish waters.
Copeland contracted the infection days after she suffered the deep cut May 1 when the zip line snapped over rocks in the Little Tallapoosa River near the University of West Georgia, where she studies psychology.
Many people exposed to Aeromonas hydrophila won't get sick. When illnesses do occur, it's often diarrhea from swallowing bacteria in the water. Flesh-eating Aeromonas cases are so rare that only a handful of infections have been reported in medical journals in recent decades.
In addition to the damage to her extremities, Copeland is on a respirator and a dialysis machine as her lungs and kidneys recover. Doctors also had to remove much of the skin from her torso to keep the infection from spreading, her father said.
Though still heavily medicated, Copeland has become more alert and communicates with her parents and older sister despite the breathing tube in her throat. Her father said Wednesday doctors were removing that tube and inserting another directly into her trachea to make her more comfortable.
"If they take the tube out, I believe reading her lips is going to be a lot easier," he said. "And she might be able to actually cover the tube up and be able to talk."
Andy praised the doctors and nurses working with Aimee in a personal blog he's been updating on the University of West Georgia psychology department's student website.
"We have an amazing assortment of brilliant minds focusing on Aimee," he wrote in a post Tuesday evening.
Andy Copeland said his daughter has been asking for her cell phone, her laptop and a book to read, but is still in no condition to use any of those things. He said her sister, Paige, has been reading to her from a book on meditation.
An update on Thursday afternoon on the official website on the student blog that has been updating Aimee's condition says she continues to be in good spirits. It also states that two major medical developments happened that Andy Copeland will announce later today.
Also on Thursday, reports surfaced that a South Carolina woman living several hundred miles away, 36-year-old Lana Kuykendall, had been infected with necrotizing fasciitis following the birth of twins, HealthPop reported.
Dr. Jerry Gibson, an epidemiologist with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, told Reuters on Thursday of recently reported cases of necrotizing fasciitis, "These cases don't cluster together except randomly."

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Buzz on Bees

Scientists may have solved the mystery of the honeybee disappearance
JANUARY 20, 2012
For several years, honeybees across the U.S. have been dying at high rates. The bees are flying away from their hives and never returning. Concerned scientists have been trying to figure out what is wrong. They thought a combination of problems might be causing entire beehives, or colonies, to disappear. They called it "colony collapse disorder." Now, researchers at San Francisco State University have found a new possible cause for the disorder: a parasitic fly.
"The parasite could be another stressor, enough to push the bee over a tipping point. Or it could play a primary role in causing the disease," says researcher John Hafernik.
The fly latches onto a honeybee, depositing eggs into the bee's abdomen. The eggs hatch into worms, which grow inside the bee. The bee begins to act strangely. It leaves the hive, flying in circles or blindly toward light. The bee soon dies.
Since 2006, 30% of colonies have been lost to colony collapse disorder. That is a problem for people as well as for bees. Bees are hardworking insects. They help us grow the food we eat. They fly from flower to flower, pollinating about a third of the U.S. food supply. Scientists are continuing to look for ways to help honeybees bounce back.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Multiple Sclerosis and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Multiple Sclerosis and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

HBOT is the only known treatment that alters the course of Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is the most common demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. It affects approximately half a million people in the United States today and about 2.5 million worldwide. Other physical manifestations noted are axon destruction, inflammation of the meninges (membranes that cover and protect the brain and spinal cord), peripheral nerve damage, changes in the retina, blood vessel changes outside areas of plaque formation, and rather curious pinpoint-sized red dots on the skin called skin petechiae, caused by the leakage from capillaries below the skin.
The lining of the bloods vessels where capillaries rejoin the veins is the weakest contact in the vascular system. Blood vessel permeability increases with increased capillary pressure, allowing migration of fluid (extravasation) and white blood cells (diapedesis) across the lining of the blood vessels (endothelium) into the surrounding tissues. These physical occurrences happen in response to inflammation and exposure to toxic substances. Endothelial cell receptors respond to inflammatory stimuli by increasing postcapillary venule permeability—inflammation makes the veins "leaky." Some medical researchers believe this vascular weakness may be the cause of multiple sclerosis.
Over the past twenty years, extensive international medical research has established hyperbaric oxygen therapy as part of an effective multiple sclerosis treatment program. In some European countries, it is not only the primary treatment, but also covered by insurance. For the past 30 years, an England charity has provided more than 1.5 million HBO treatments for MS in 100 MS dedicated centers.
In the United States, HBOT has a controversial history. Many reports have "proven" over and over again it is not effective. Today, it is not considered mainstream treatment, not covered by insurance, and often difficult to access. However, the discrepancy between how the U.S. perceives HBOT in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and how widely it is used in other countries is worth closer examination.
Research indicates the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen treatment depends on the total number of treatments, duration and pressure administered, the type of chambers, patients and type of MS treated, how the results are evaluated, and the use of booster/follow-up treatments. Controlled studies following patients who continue with HBOT show that initial improvements of MS can be maintained by regular treatment and in some cases the disease can be reversed.
Recent Activity:
Hyperbarics is a medical treatment that requires a medical exam and RX, the views of the list are a opinion only, we do not claim a CURE. We will NOT give medical advice.
This list is for Information ONLY,

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Can It Turn Back the Clock?

Nobody enjoys the little signs of aging we see when looking in the mirror each morning. We spend billions of dollars a year on products and surgeries to help us look and feel younger: hair re-growth products, dyes to hide the grey, anti-wrinkle face and eye creams, cosmetic injections, surgeries and more.
In today’s modern medicine, there is a therapy that is proven to offer anti-aging benefits through healing or regrowth of damaged cells: hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). In HBOT, patients breathe 100% pure oxygen while the pressure of the treatment chamber is slowly increased. Pressurized oxygen is delivered into the chamber, which increases the pressure of oxygen within a person’s body as much as 15 times normal tissue saturation. Each cell is literally saturated with 100% pure oxygen, accelerating the body’s natural healing processes.
Oxygen therapy can help to jump start the body’s antioxidant defenses, boost metabolism, and counteract low oxygen levels that lead to sluggish cell activity and oxidative stress. Research has shown that it can also help to improve the efficiency of hemoglobin in transporting oxygen around the body; improve blood flow by helping to keep cell membranes flexible; suppress inflammation; and detoxify and fight infection by destroying bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi that thrive in low-oxygen environments.
HBOT is also commonly used in treating many age-related diseases and conditions such as stroke, rheumatoid Arthritis and cancer treatment recovery. We also treat Hypoxic brain injury, CP, Lyme disease, and austism, just to name a few.
In addition to its often lifesaving work in the medical industry, HBOT is gaining widespread recognition for its success in treating a breadth of cosmetic concerns. Regular treatment is widely thought to increase aging skin elasticity and to stimulate collagen production which, over time, can improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars. Plastic surgeons often prescribe the therapy to enhance recovery from reconstructive surgery.
Scientists have found that the chromosomes in our cells progressively shorten each time the cell divides. Eventually, the chromosomes can shorten no further and stop dividing. When this happens, the cells become senescent (sleepy) and die. In premature aging, the lifespan is shortened due to the effects of various stressors to the human body. The
most obvious, and often the most common, are alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. These substances have a tremendous aging effect on the human body and can cause progressive ‘wounding.’
In his book, The Oxygen Revolution, Dr. Paul G. Harch expresses that hyperbaric oxygen therapy will “likely become most appreciated by those Baby Boomers whose life spans have been compromised by years of drug experimentation in the 1960s and 1970s.” Wounds in the brain register as areas of low blood flow and low oxygenation, which cause decreased neurological function. Most commonly, this decreased neurological function leads to the premature aging diagnosis we call dementia.
Dr. Harch calls HBOT a “generic drug for repair of brain wounds.” The stereotypic chronic brain wound typically responds well to low pressures of hyperbaric oxygen treatments. What Drs. Neubauer, Harch, and others have shown in the past 30 years is that these premature aging wounds can be repaired for improvement neurologically, cognitively, behaviorally, and emotionally.
Repairing these chronic wounds is considered by many to be a reversal of premature aging by use of HBOT, aiding in prolonging longevity and an enhanced quality of life.
Considering that it delivers a natural substance which helps our body repair itself and has many significant medical benefits, including mending our DNA, it is easy to see why a growing population is utilizing hyperbaric oxygen as an anti-aging therapy.
For more information on hyperbaric oxygen therapy for anti-aging and other conditions,
Sources: 1) The Oxygen Revolution. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: The Groundbreaking New Treatment. Paul G. Harch, MD. 2007. 2); 3)

STUDY: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy helped prevent or slow the progression of type 1 diabetes in mice

By Serena Gordon
HealthDay Reporter

FRIDAY, May 11 (HealthDay News) -- Treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy helped prevent or slow the progression of type 1 diabetes in mice, according to new research. It is too early to say if the results might apply to humans, however.
In mice, the treatment caused changes in the immune system's response to newly developing diabetes, and reduced the risk of diabetes between 20 and 40 percent. In the mice that still developed diabetes, the hyperbaric therapy delayed disease progression, the investigators found.
"Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a relatively non-harmful way of enhancing oxygen delivery to the tissues," said the study's senior author, Dr. Antonello Pileggi, director of the preclinical cell processing and translational models program at the Diabetes Research Institute of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
"We were able to suppress the transfer of the disease (in mice) before the onset of the disease. After diabetes had occurred, the efficacy [of hyperbaric therapy] was much less," said Pileggi. He said that combining hyperbaric therapy with medications might enhance the effectiveness of both treatments.
Results of this study, released online May 7, will be published in the July print issue of Diabetes.
In type 1 diabetes, the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells in the pancreas called beta cells. Beta cells produce the hormone insulin that allows your body to metabolize carbohydrates from food, providing fuel for energy. People with type 1 diabetes must replace the lost insulin through multiple daily injections or a pump.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy -- commonly used to treat scuba divers who develop "the bends" from rising to the surface too quickly -- is delivered in a special pressurized chamber. The pressure inside the chamber is about two and half times greater than the normal pressure in the atmosphere, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. This puts more oxygen in your blood. Hyperbaric therapy can also be used to treat bone infections, burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, and wounds that aren't healing well, such as ulcers in people with diabetes. Currently, not very many hospitals offer hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
For the current research, Pileggi and his colleagues used two types of mice. One type develops diabetes spontaneously. It's not exactly the same as type 1 diabetes in humans, but it is very similar, and Pileggi said "it's a good surrogate of type 1." And, the second type doesn't develop diabetes on its own, but the researchers induced diabetes.
In the mice that spontaneously develop diabetes that received hyperbaric therapy, the risk of developing diabetes was reduced by 20 percent. In the mice with induced diabetes, the treatment reduced the risk of diabetes by 40 percent, according to the study. In the mice that still developed diabetes in both groups, treatment with hyperbaric therapy helped delay the onset or progression of the disease.
Pileggi said that the researchers aren't yet clear exactly how hyperbaric therapy prevents or slows the disease, but it's clear the therapy has positive effects on the immune system.
The researchers were also pleasantly surprised to see that the therapy caused a significant increase in creation of new beta cells. "If you can reeducate immune cells and enhance the beta cell mass, that's an ideal situation. But, it's not a silver bullet for diabetes. It could be an adjuvant to other therapies," said Pileggi.
Pileggi said the researchers will test combination treatments but added that it's too soon to guess when such a treatment might be tried in humans.
Another expert said any application to humans is years away.
"This is a novel idea from a good research group. But, while the mouse model is good to study, it doesn't mean that what is affected in mice will be affected in men," said Dr. Joel Zonszein, director of the clinical diabetes center at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City.
Also, it would be difficult to choose who would receive such a therapy, he said, because there isn't a reliable test to determine who will develop type 1 diabetes. There are tests for the antibodies present in type 1, but some people who never develop diabetes have those same antibodies.