Monday, February 24, 2014


Multiple Sclerosis and HBOT

The number of Americans suffering from the debilitating effects of Multiple Sclerosis is estimated to be a quarter of a million and growing. MS is a central nervous system disease that is thought to be an autoimmune condition generated by a virus, although definite causes are unknown at this time. The condition is characterized as a relapsing and remitting disease that is aggravated by stress and an abnormal immune system, which results in inflammation, damage and hardening of myelin and nerve fibers that typically occurs in the spinal cord, brain stem and optic nerves.

Multiple Sclerosis symptomology includes weakness, severe pain, loss of vision, and extreme pain, which are caused by slowed nerve impulses as a result of damage to the nerves or myelin, which is known as demyelination. Persons with MS also suffer from balance problems, bladder and bowel dysfunction, difficulty walking, vision loss and pain in eyes, depression, neurological dysfunction, spasticity of muscles, and debilitating fatigue.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Extensive international medical research, over the past twenty years, has demonstrated that hyperbaric oxygen therapy will be considered an integral role in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. In many parts of the world, hyperbaric is considered a key component of an effective MS treatment program. In some countries in Europe, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is covered by insurance and is the main treatment for MS.

Some theories suggest that Multiple Sclerosis could be attributed to a lack of oxygen in the body, resulting in the lesions that appear on the spinal cord of patients undergoing SPECT scans. Regardless of what the causes of MS are, there is irrefutable evidence supporting the treatment of MS patients with hyperbaric oxygen. More and more medical researchers have come to regard hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a potent therapy for the successful treatment of multiple sclerosis without the side effects associated with many pharmaceuticals. Hyperbaric has been shown to reduce pain significantly, modulate the immune system, increase energy, alleviate sleep dysfunction, and reduce cognitive impairment. In most cases, patients are also able to discontinue use of many of their pharmaceuticals. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy raises oxygen levels in the body by up to 1000% through the increased pressure of the HBO chamber. Viruses are unable to survive in the presence of abundant oxygen, therefore a significant “die-off” of viruses and bacteria is experienced when undergoing hyperbaric treatments. Hyperbaric also acts as an immune modulator and allows organ and gland functionality to normalize, reducing many debilitating MS symptoms. Because of the pressurized environment inside the chamber, hyperbaric acts as a detoxifier as well. By forcing oxygen into the tissues through this pressure, toxins, chemicals and other impurities are forced out.

A recent study sited by the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrated compelling evidence of improvements in MS symptomology. Forty chronic Multiple Sclerosis patients, in the advanced stages of the disease, were treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy at 2 ATA for 90 minute sessions. Seventy percent of those treated received relief from the effects of MS after the 20 study treatments. Patients in the study who received the greatest benefit from the hyperbaric were those who had a less severe form of MS, however, because the study consisted of only 20 treatments, the results on more severe MS were not as evident.

Some medical professionals state that the most effective protocol for hyperbaric oxygen on persons with MS is that of lower pressures at 1.5 ATA or below for longer treatment times. #MS #HBOT 909.477.4545


Better To Have Hair On Your Feet Than Your Head 
A lack of hair on your feet may be a sign of circulatory problems, explains Andrew Manganaro, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Life Line Screening:
When I was a resident surgeon, many years ago, one of my professors, himself a world renowned vascular surgeon, once said, "It is better to have hair on your feet than on your head."
Andrew Manganaro, MD, Chief Medical OfficerA receding hairline on your head may not be your favorite look, but lack of hair on your feet is much more dangerous. It is could be a sign that your feet are not getting adequate blood flow.
The good news is that this can be checked with a simple screening that measures the blood pressure in your feet called an Ankle-Brachial Index. This screening can let you know if you are at risk for Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) or other circulatory problems.
Better To Have Hair On Your Feet Than Your HeadThe Wall Street Journal's Melinda Beck also reports on the value of feet in evaluating circulatory health in her June 23rd article "What Your Body is Telling You." She writes, "Circulatory problems can manifest as numbness and tingling in the feet…When circulation is compromised, even a minor scratch or sore on the feet can become infected easily."
I have always Said that HBOT can grow hair!
Susan Rodriguez CHT #hbot
Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

CHeck out our Youtube video

Alycat780 has made a comment on Autism: child AFTER HBO at Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics!:
> Wow, what a gorgeous boy, and AMAZING progress!I love his huge grin, great eye contact and playful, adorable cuteness, he seems like such a happy and healthy cutie!!
> We, also experienced the ~WOW~ factor from HBOT, have done 40 hours so far...we are going back for another 10 hour booster soon, can't wait actually . Amazing how the healing power of oxygen combined with the body's innate drive to be in a constant ~heal itself~ mode, works wonders. I swear by HBOT, crazy, cool stuff. # autism

Clinical pathological study of treatment of chronic hepatitis with hyperbaric oxygenation

 “Hepatitis C”

Liu W, Zhao W, Lu X, Zheng X, Luo C.Department of Gastroenterology, The Affiliated Nanjing Second Hospital of the Medical College of Nanjing Southeast University, Nanjing 210003, China
OBJECTIVE: To detect the feasibility and theoretic basis for treatment with hyperbaric oxygenation (HBOT) in chronic hepatitis and to compare the changes in hepatic function, immunity, pathologic morphology, ultra structure and HBV in hepatic tissues before and after treatment. METHODS: Sixty cases of chronic hepatitis were randomly selected and divided into two groups: the experiment (n = 30) and control groups (n = 30). Patients in the experimental group were treated with HBOT for 6 courses. Patients in the control group were treated for 60 days with the usual drugs used in the clinic. The function and bloodstream graph of liver were examined and liver biopsies were made before and after treatments. Routine paraffin sections were stained with HE and observed under the light microscope. Ultra thin slides from paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde fixed liver tissue were stained with lead citrate and observed with the transmission electric microscope. HBsAg and HBcAg in liver of the experimental group were detected with ABC immunohistochemistry method before and after treatment.

RESULTS: For the experimental group, ALT, SB, gamma-GT, AKP, IgG, and IgM in blood and the degeneration and necrosis of hepatocytes were remarkably decreased (P < 0.05 ), the mean contractive wave of bloodstream in liver and the bloodstream in right ramus of janitrix were remarkably increased (P < 0.05), and the swelling of mitochondria, increase of lysosomes, generation of Kupffer cells, infiltration of lymphocytes in portal area and capillary generation were all remarkably all eviated (P < 0.05) after treatment with HBOT. There were significant differences between the experimental and control groups after treatment with different methods (P < 0.05). For patients in the experimental group, the fibrosis and fat-storing cells in the liver were not reduced (P > 0.05), and the expression of HBsAg and HBcAg in liver was not weakened (P < 0.05) after treatment. 

CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with HBOT for chronic hepatitis was effective and recommendable, but it could not reverse liver fibrosis. However, it might be able to delay or prevent the liver from fibrosis, so it might be more effective at the early and middle stages of chronic hepatitis. HBOT could not inhibit the HB virus. So we consider that treatment with HBOT should be simultaneous with anti HBV therapy. Chin Med J (Engl). 2002 Aug;115(8):1153-7.

Reprinted with Permission: Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Magic Number 40

Forty sessions has come to be a benchmark in this therapy, not solely in the treatment of ASD, but rather in treating all conditions characterized by hypoxic tissue.  It is theorized that this is the number of treatments necessary to ensure angiogenesis has occurred.  In the past, physicians would notice “backsliding” or regression with most patients who had undergone less that thirty sessions.  On the other hand, patients having undergone forty sessions would not display symptoms of “backsliding”.  Today, with new knowledge regarding increased stem cell activity and sophisticated brain imaging equipment, it is easy to paint a picture as to what was occurring.  Recent research has demonstrated that after only ten sessions an eight fold increase in stem cell activity can be measured; in particular, CD34 stem cells which will produce new capillaries.  The formation of such capillaries can be seen between 15-20 sessions and the completion of such capillaries appears to occur between 30-40 sessions; hence the Magic Number 40.  Of course, this process is continually underway and new capillaries are just beginning at 20 sessions, 30 sessions, 40 sessions, etc.  One would assume that as long as hypoxic tissue remains in the body; stem cell activity would remain heightened, angiogenesis would continue, and tissue perfusion would continue to normalize.  In fact, in a study conducted with CP, stroke, and traumatic brain injury patients; it was demonstrated that throughout 70 sessions the rate of improvement in cerebral oxygenation increased during the last 35 treatments.  For this reason, it is not uncommon to see treatment protocols continue beyond the initial forty-session sequence; parents are often advised 60-80 initial sessions prior to pausing, ending, or lessening the frequency of treatment.

Frequency is Key and OXYGEN Pressure and Depth!~

There is much debate surrounding the optimal pressure in treating cerebral hypoperfusion related conditions such as Autism.  Case histories and research both report positive findings from pressures ranging 1.2 ATA to 2.0 ATA.  In addition, it becomes even more confusing as 100% oxygen is delivered Best results have been demonstrated through daily and twice daily treatment protocols.

Different Depths are designed for many disorders: 909-477-4545 Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics