The Magic Number 40
Forty sessions has come to be a benchmark in this therapy, not solely in the treatment of ASD, but rather in treating all conditions characterized by hypoxic tissue. It is theorized that this is the number of treatments necessary to ensure angiogenesis has occurred. In the past, physicians would notice “backsliding” or regression with most patients who had undergone less that thirty sessions. On the other hand, patients having undergone forty sessions would not display symptoms of “backsliding”. Today, with new knowledge regarding increased stem cell activity and sophisticated brain imaging equipment, it is easy to paint a picture as to what was occurring. Recent research has demonstrated that after only ten sessions an eight fold increase in stem cell activity can be measured; in particular, CD34 stem cells which will produce new capillaries. The formation of such capillaries can be seen between 15-20 sessions and the completion of such capillaries appears to occur between 30-40 sessions; hence the Magic Number 40. Of course, this process is continually underway and new capillaries are just beginning at 20 sessions, 30 sessions, 40 sessions, etc. One would assume that as long as hypoxic tissue remains in the body; stem cell activity would remain heightened, angiogenesis would continue, and tissue perfusion would continue to normalize. In fact, in a study conducted with CP, stroke, and traumatic brain injury patients; it was demonstrated that throughout 70 sessions the rate of improvement in cerebral oxygenation increased during the last 35 treatments. For this reason, it is not uncommon to see treatment protocols continue beyond the initial forty-session sequence; parents are often advised 60-80 initial sessions prior to pausing, ending, or lessening the frequency of treatment.
Frequency is Key and OXYGEN Pressure and Depth!~
There is much debate surrounding the optimal pressure in treating cerebral hypoperfusion related conditions such as Autism. Case histories and research both report positive findings from pressures ranging 1.2 ATA to 2.0 ATA. In addition, it becomes even more confusing as 100% oxygen is delivered Best results have been demonstrated through daily and twice daily treatment protocols.
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