Multiple Sclerosis and HBOT
The number of Americans
suffering from the debilitating effects of Multiple Sclerosis
is estimated to be a quarter of a million and growing. MS is a central nervous
system disease that is thought to be an autoimmune condition generated by a
virus, although definite causes are unknown at this time. The condition is
characterized as a relapsing and remitting disease that is aggravated by stress
and an abnormal immune system, which results in inflammation, damage and
hardening of myelin and nerve fibers that typically occurs in the spinal cord,
brain stem and optic nerves.
Multiple Sclerosis symptomology includes
weakness, severe pain, loss of vision, and extreme pain, which are caused by
slowed nerve impulses as a result of damage to the nerves or myelin, which is
known as demyelination. Persons with MS also suffer from balance problems,
bladder and bowel dysfunction, difficulty walking, vision loss and pain in
eyes, depression, neurological dysfunction, spasticity of muscles, and
debilitating fatigue.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Extensive international medical research,
over the past twenty years, has demonstrated that hyperbaric oxygen therapy
will be considered an integral role in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. In
many parts of the world, hyperbaric is considered a key component of an
effective MS treatment program. In some countries in Europe, hyperbaric oxygen
therapy is covered by insurance and is the main treatment for MS.
Some theories suggest that Multiple Sclerosis
could be attributed to a lack of oxygen in the body, resulting in the lesions
that appear on the spinal cord of patients undergoing SPECT scans. Regardless
of what the causes of MS are, there is irrefutable evidence supporting the
treatment of MS patients with hyperbaric oxygen. More and more medical
researchers have come to regard hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a potent therapy
for the successful treatment of multiple sclerosis without the side effects
associated with many pharmaceuticals. Hyperbaric has been shown to reduce pain
significantly, modulate the immune system, increase energy, alleviate sleep
dysfunction, and reduce cognitive impairment. In most cases, patients are also
able to discontinue use of many of their pharmaceuticals. Hyperbaric oxygen
therapy raises oxygen levels in the body by up to 1000% through the increased
pressure of the HBO chamber. Viruses are unable to survive in the presence of
abundant oxygen, therefore a significant “die-off” of viruses and bacteria is
experienced when undergoing hyperbaric treatments. Hyperbaric also acts as an
immune modulator and allows organ and gland functionality to normalize,
reducing many debilitating MS symptoms. Because of the pressurized environment
inside the chamber, hyperbaric acts as a detoxifier as well. By forcing oxygen
into the tissues through this pressure, toxins, chemicals and other impurities
are forced out.
A recent study sited by the New England
Journal of Medicine demonstrated compelling evidence of improvements in MS
symptomology. Forty chronic Multiple Sclerosis patients, in the advanced stages
of the disease, were treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy at 2 ATA for 90
minute sessions. Seventy percent of those treated received relief from the
effects of MS after the 20 study treatments. Patients in the study who received
the greatest benefit from the hyperbaric were those who had a less severe form
of MS, however, because the study consisted of only 20 treatments, the results
on more severe MS were not as evident.
Some medical professionals state that the
most effective protocol for hyperbaric oxygen on persons with MS is that of
lower pressures at 1.5 ATA or below for longer treatment times. #MS #HBOT 909.477.4545
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