Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What does HBOT do???

What does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy do?

1. HBOT is a scientific fact that, whereas we all live under atmospheric pressure (i.e. one atmosphere), gases dissolve increasingly into liquids as atmospheric pressure increases.

2. This can be seen each time you release bubbles by unscrewing a bottle of fizzy drink. As the pressure is reduced, more bubbles seem to appear in the liquid.

3. Although blood plasma is normally quite low in oxygen, on high-pressure days people usually feel more energetic because a little more oxygen has been dissolved in the blood plasma. Conversely, many people feel that their complaints are worse on low-pressure days.

4. If additional oxygen is urgently needed to restore torn tissue, increasing the dose may be paralleled to increasing the dose of vitamins, minerals or amino acids by food supplementation or by giving an artificially engineered 'normal' dose of insulin to a diabetic.

5. It is impossible absorb the extra oxygen by breathing it in at normal atmospheric pressure because an insufficient amount will be dissolved in the plasma at only one atmosphere. Thus, in order to improve cerebral blood flow, the brain injured individual needs to breathe oxygen while sitting or lying down comfortably in a pressurized chamber.

6. The ideal pressure for the compressed oxygen in the chamber, and thus the oxygen breathed, is 1.75. That is 3/4 of an atmosphere above the one atmosphere at which we live, or the equivalent of 24 feet of seawater, a relatively shallow depth.

7. As oxygen delivered in this way is breathed, the blood plasma becomes oxygen rich. It is able to carry the healing oxygen through the constricted capillary tubules to the torn capillary walls, which then will begin to heal.

8. As the capillaries heal, their torn walls close and plasma leakage into the surrounding brain tissue stops.

9. Tissue swelling is reduced even more efficiently because oxygen has a slightly constricting affect on the blood capillaries; As in brain swelling after an injury, even swelling as small as a human hair can hinder circulation or blood flow.

10. Thus, when the blood plasma is oxygen rich, there is less fluid to contribute to the swelling travelling through the torn capillaries as well as more oxygen to heal them.

11.The swelling gradually goes down and normal blood flow is slowly restored to the previously 'waterlogged' brain.

12. Normal blood supply restores essential nutrition and the washing away of waste products so that the brain's electrical potential for sending normal signals can be restored. Wherever the injury is in the brain, and whatever diversity of symptoms it produces, the same patterns of problems arise, and the same approach to healing is possible using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

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