Sunday, February 19, 2012


The content and information provided within this site is for informational and educational purposes only. Consult a doctor before pursuing any form of therapy, including Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. The Information provided within this site is not to be considered Medical Advice. In Full Support of the F.D.A., Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is considered Investigational, Experimental, or Off Label. Please consult with your Treating Medical Physician

Who do we treat?
Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics treats all ages, infants to the elderly. Our clients have come from all over the world to be treated at our facility. We believe that everyone should have access to safe, Gentle, Private, and Productive Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

What Conditions do we treat?
At Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics we treat many different types of health conditions. Any condition that benefits from increased circulation / oxygen can benefit from Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). Many are listed below in alphabetical order. Please contact our office if you do not see your condition listed.
Studies indicate that following Conditions may greatly benefit include (but are not limited to):

Acute acoustic Trauma (Tinnitus)

Acute and Chronic Anemia


Aid to cardiac surgery and rehabilitation

Aid to prosthesis rehabilitative care


Air or gas embolism


Autistic spectrum disorders

Auto- immune disorders ( SLE, Rheumatoid Arthritis

Anoxic and Hypoxic brain disorders


ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

Alzheimer's Disease

Bell's Palsy (Facial Palsy)

Bone Grafts

Brain Injury / Closed Head Injury


Candida and fungal infections (yeast infections)

Carbon monoxide poisoning and CO poisoning complicated by cyanide poisoning.

Carbon monoxide poisoning and CO poisoning complicated by cyanide poisoning

Cerebral edema

Cerebral Palsy (CP)

Cerebral Palsy

Chemical Poisoning/ Pesticide

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Closed Head Injury

Clostridal myositis and myonecrosis, (gas gangrene)


Crohn’s Disease

Crush injury, compartment syndrome, and other acute traumatic ischemias.

Decompression sickness

Diabetics disorders ( circulatory, nerve and wounds)

Degenerative Joint disease

Delayed radiation injury (soft tissue and bony necrosis)

Delayed radiation injury (soft tissue and bony necrosis)


Enhancement of healing in selected problem wounds

Epilepsy seizures

Exceptional blood loss (anemia)

Fractures (Non healing and non union)


Flesh eating bacteria

Fracture repair, delayed and non-union

Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers

General Health

Guillain-Barre syndrome

Headaches, Cluster

Health Enhancement and Prevention

Heart attack, Myocardial ischemia

Hypoxic birth disorders

Inflammatory arthritis

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS)

Intracranial abscess, actinomycosis

Liver disorders ( Hepatic)


Lyme Disease and co-infections

Macular degeneration

Retinitis Pigmentosa *

Memory Loss

Mercury Poisoning

Migraine and Cluster headaches

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple Sclerosis


Near drowning

Near hanging


Necrotizing soft tissue infections

Neurovascular compression

Non- healing post surgery, reconstruction and cosmetic surgery

Non-healing wounds

Neurological disorders

Optical And Eyesight Macular degeneration


Parkinson’s disease

Peripheral nerve injury and neuropathies, demyelization

Post surgical instability

Post surgical soft tissue infections

Pre and Post Surgery healing, reconstruction and cosmetic surgery

Radiation Necrosis ( soft tissue, brain or bone)

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) CRPS Complex Pain Syndrome

Refractory osteomyelitis (Infected bone)

Retinitis Pigmentosa

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ringing in the ears

Sacroiliac Syndrome


Silicone induced disorders

Skin grafts and flaps (compromised)

Spider bite

Spinal Cord injury

Sports Injuries

Stem Cell Therapy


Sudden Deafness tinnitus *

Thermal burns

TOS (Thoraxtic Outlet Syndrome *)

Vegetative coma

Wounds and Ulcers

And more!
Susan Rodriguez CHT
Dr Underwood, DO, MD, JD
Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics, LLC
9439 Archibald Ave. Suite 104
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

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